Using Coupons to stock up on food

Let’s face it, we all know that we should prepare for an emergency but the budget is so tight it not only squeaks but squeals also.  So how do we come up with the extra money needed to stock up on supplies, especially with the rising cost of food?

The answer is simple and only requires one word:  coupons.

Coupons are the best way to save money on your groceries.  And the use of coupons will also help you stock up on extras to stash away for your emergency supply.

In addition to the coupons in the paper, you can also print coupons online.  There are hundreds of different sights that allow you to sign up for free.  Then you check off the coupons you want and print them out.

Also, you can go to various drug stores and sign up for their shoppers discount programs. For example, I go to our local CVS drug store.  When I check out, at the bottom of my receipt are coupons to take $2 or $4 off my next purchase.  So if I go in with a manufacturers coupon and buy say toilet paper and also use my CVS coupon, then I potentially could get my purchase for free.

As you can see, there are many advantages to using coupons.  However, there is also a disadvantage.  It is very time consuming.  It does take a considerable amount of time to do the research for the coupons and the various stores and figuring out what to buy where to get the best deal.

Check it out.  I think you will find it beneficial not only to save on your current grocery bill but the allow you to buy extras for your emergency food supply!

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