Tag Archives: Food

Beware the Delivery Man

Yes, you read that correctly, beware your delivery man.  If you order things on-line, you will want to exercise a level of caution (OPSEC).  The more you have delivered the more you will be noticed.  You will be noticed by both your delivery man and possibly your neighbors also.  Depending on what you are having delivered can have a significant impact on how much others observe.  If a package is labeled as ammunition and this isn’t a normal item for you, this may make others start to look at you a little differently.  If you get a shipment of grains and or other heavy or bulky items, it will be even more noticeable, especially  if they are sitting on your doorstep waiting for you to get home so you can take care of them.

Some companies are diligent about how packages are labeled, and others will label the boxes with the biggest advertising they can fit.  Others just don’t put any thought into it, and it is hit and miss.  This is a serious matter that isn’t always addressed.  The people that know you have preps and even worse those that know what you actually have is a significant risk to OPSEC.  The box won’t necessarily have it’s contents identified on the outside, but the company name may be blazed all over the outside.  With general merchandise companies this isn’t as much of an issue.  When it comes to companies that deal primarily with specific types of products, the less attention the packaging draws the better.

What to do?  I hope you are thinking now.  One option would be to use a mailbox service like theupsstore.com you have to check your local store for rates and services.  This would afford you the ability to have packages delivered to a physical location that isn’t your home.  This in turn gives you the security that your stuff won’t be stolen while waiting for your return and your neighbors won’t see the delivery truck leaving packages for you all the time.  This is probably the most secure option, although it lends itself to other security issues as well as the cost. In the event of a disaster, your neighbors won’t necessarily be pre-programmed to come pounding on your door because they have seen some of  your preps delivered…

Some things you can do to help maintain your security would be to have someone home when packages are due for delivery.  This isn’t an option for everyone, sometimes we just can’t get the time off work, as well as it could burn up a lot of vacation time if you had to take time off every time you had a delivery coming.  If you have a friend or neighbor that you trust or even better one that is a prepper also.  If you have someone at an alternate address (friend, family member) that is home during the day, that could receive packages for you.  Remember not to put these people in danger either.  If they are in an area that has nosy neighbors you could ultimately be putting them at risk for looting/theft.

You may also be able to talk with the delivery company, and have them hold your package for you to pick up in person.  This may be the most secure way.  Your local delivery man isn’t involved, your neighbors don’t see things being delivered, and you aren’t putting others at risk, receiving your items.  And most importantly, you are the only one aware of what is ‘going on’, thus helping to maintain OPSEC.

Don’t forget, to use caution when bringing your items into the house also, it’s best to do park in the garage and unload the car there.  You never know when you might have your own Gladys Kravitz.

Until next time,

the Survivalguy



I love our new dehydrator Nesco American Harvest FD-1018P 1000 Watt Food Dehydrator Kit.Since we received it we made 2 batches of beef jerky and currently have our second batch of fruit leather drying.

We decided on this model for a few reasons:

  • Made in the USA
  • 8 trays
  • 8 fruit leather trays
  • 8 sticky/small food screens
  • Price
These are only some of the reasons we went with this model, these are just some of the highlights.
This is a special edition model, it comes with 8 trays and screens.  The standard model Nesco Gardenmaster FD-1010 only has 4 trays and costs almost as much as the FD-1018P, so it was pretty much a no-brainer.   I considered the next model up Nesco GARDENMASTER FD-1020, but this unit doesn’t have the potential capacity.  I would however recommend getting a timer, my second batch of jerky was a bit over dried since I had to leave it running overnight.

Now an electric dehydrator isn’t ideal for a post apocalyptic world but, won’t be a total loss.  If you have one and have experience using it you will have the knowledge to dehydrate and what to dehydrate.  You can use the trays for other dehydrating methods.  You can ask the Prepwife, I don’t make purchases very lightly, I spent a good amount of time researching the pros and cons of this unit before deciding on this particular dehydrator: Nesco American Harvest FD-1018P 1000 Watt Food Dehydrator Kit.  I could keep writing on this topic for a while.  I am going to wrap it up for now. We will revisit this topic multiple times.  It is an important one for preparedness…

the Survivalguy

ONE STOP CHRISTMAS SHOPPE – Cornerstone Christian Academy

OK, so below is the flyer for the Cornerstone fund raiser that is going on today 11/19/2011.  Stop by and support some local businesses and get some deals saving money.
I will not be there, as I will be in the woods trying to  harvest a deer or 2 for my family.
The PrepWife will however be there ‘manning the store’ so to speak.  so stop by and say hi.
Tell her you saw the blog post and get 10% off (has to be a minimum of $20 purchase).  She doesn’t know about this yet, she is still sleeping.


Multiple local vendors of quality handcrafted items, Apple Blossom Gifts/Dabeck Business Solutions, Avon, Bead Art, Enchanted Forest Alpaca Crafts, FHG Furniture and Crafts, His Hand … Crafts, Mary Grace Knitting, Mary Kay, Miche Bags, Premiere Designs Jewelry, Salvation Station Christian Books etc., Silpada Designs Jewelry, Stamping Up, Sunrise EZ Shop, Tastefully Simple, Tupperware, Camping survival gear, and more!




   Family Pasta Dinner   



  Open to the Public

Cornerstone Christian Academy

60 Holley St., Brockport


Saturday, November 19, 2011

One Stop Christmas Shop: 9am – 5pm

Pasta Meal Served from: Noon – 7pm


While the One Stop Christmas Shoppe is free,

Tickets for the Pasta Dinner may be purchased

through any school family or by calling the School Office.   (637-4540). Takeouts Available

 Cost: $7.50 Ages 13+;     $4.50 Ages 5-12;

Ages 4 and Under Free


Pre-sales recommended.

 Tickets may be purchased at the door while supplies last!

We welcome all of our school families and relatives as well as all community members and our alumni.

We’re looking forward to your visit!

Joan Johnson
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Office Administrator

’til next time
Be Prepared to Survive
the SurvivalGuy

Plain Granola Recipe

A few weeks ago, I was eating some granola for a snack.  I got thinking about it and wanted to make my own.  So I started looking for a recipe for plain granola.  This proved to be a little more challenging.  Most of the recipe’s I found included nuts.  I wanted just plain granola, I can add fruit and nuts as I want.   The first recipe we found was lacking, I actually think whoever posted it, may have left something out or had the measurements wrong.  It turned out dry and had almost no flavor, not what we were looking for.    So we found another recipe.  I made a batch of the new recipe.  This one was better and more of what we were looking for.  I have since made several batches (we have been eating it daily for snacking).  I have adjusted the recipe to our liking and the end result is below.

CAMPFIRESHOP.com – Plain Granola  Recipe
Kitchen items needed for preparation:

  1. Two Mixing Bowls
  2. Measuring Cup
  3. Measuring spoon
  4. Cookie Sheet
  5. Parchment Paper or Non-Stick Spray


  • 2 Cups rolled oats (Old fashioned)
  • 1/2 – 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 3 Tbs Vegetable oil
  • 1/4 Cup honey
  • 1/4 Cup firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure Vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly spray with non-stick spray to keep ingredients from sticking to the cookie sheet pan.
  2. Toss the oats with cinnamon in a big bowl.
  3. In the other bowl, combine oil, honey, brown sugar, and vanilla. Blend together with a whisk.
  4. Drizzle honey, oil, brown sugar, and vanilla mixture over the oats mixture, mix until the oats combination is covered with the honey mixture (you may find using your hands works well).
  5. Spread the mixture onto the lined cookie sheet. It’s okay to leave a few clumps so that it resembles granola that you purchase at grocery or health food stores.
  6. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Use a spatula (preferably metal) to take granola from the pan. Once cooled, pour into a storage container, and mix in raisins or any other additions you would like in your granola. Seal the container with its lid, and store in a cool dry place for up to two weeks.

** If you allow it to cool on the pan you will have more granola clumps

** The recipe calls for 1/2-1 teaspoon of cinnamon.  I use 1/2, this gives it a light cinnamon taste without being to strong.

This is a simple recipe to make plain granola at home for a fraction of the cost you pay at the grocery store.