Tag Archives: Events

Seneca Allegheny Casino Show 10/27-28/2012

Here it is, the big show everyone has been waiting for.  This coming weekend (October 27-28, 2012) is the Seneca Allegheny Casino Gun and Sportsman Show.  Directions

October 27-28- Salamanca NY, Seneca Allegany Casino, I-86 exit 20, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm, 350 tables $8 admission, and children under 12 are free.

This is a really good show with more than your typical gun show ‘stuff’.  In addition you can go to the buffet for a good meal.  Might even be a good chance to do some leaf peeping….

As always thank you for your time.

(Please ‘Like’ us on Facebook.  We are trying to grow our following there.)

Harmony for Heroes 2012

Sorry for the late post, but here it is.

Harmony for Heroes 2012 is today. This is a great fire department benefit festival. Directions

On Saturday, August 4th, 2012, from 3:00-10:00 PM, the annual fire department benefit festival will be held at Bloomfield’s Hol-field Rod and Gun Club located at 2857 Whalen Road off Rts. 5 & 20.

100% of the proceeds will go to our “heroes” at the four volunteer fire departments in the Bloomfield School District area: Bristol, Ionia, East Bloomfield-Holcomb and West Bloomfield. Our “harmony” will be the entertainment provided throughout the day by local talents.

We will be setup there and have the new products I mentioned earlier this week on Facebook.
There will be things to see and do all afternoon.  Come have a great time and support a great cause.
