Tag Archives: Business

ONE STOP CHRISTMAS SHOPPE – Cornerstone Christian Academy

OK, so below is the flyer for the Cornerstone fund raiser that is going on today 11/19/2011.  Stop by and support some local businesses and get some deals saving money.
I will not be there, as I will be in the woods trying to  harvest a deer or 2 for my family.
The PrepWife will however be there ‘manning the store’ so to speak.  so stop by and say hi.
Tell her you saw the blog post and get 10% off (has to be a minimum of $20 purchase).  She doesn’t know about this yet, she is still sleeping.


Multiple local vendors of quality handcrafted items, Apple Blossom Gifts/Dabeck Business Solutions, Avon, Bead Art, Enchanted Forest Alpaca Crafts, FHG Furniture and Crafts, His Hand … Crafts, Mary Grace Knitting, Mary Kay, Miche Bags, Premiere Designs Jewelry, Salvation Station Christian Books etc., Silpada Designs Jewelry, Stamping Up, Sunrise EZ Shop, Tastefully Simple, Tupperware, Camping survival gear, and more!




   Family Pasta Dinner   



  Open to the Public

Cornerstone Christian Academy

60 Holley St., Brockport


Saturday, November 19, 2011

One Stop Christmas Shop: 9am – 5pm

Pasta Meal Served from: Noon – 7pm


While the One Stop Christmas Shoppe is free,

Tickets for the Pasta Dinner may be purchased

through any school family or by calling the School Office.   (637-4540). Takeouts Available

 Cost: $7.50 Ages 13+;     $4.50 Ages 5-12;

Ages 4 and Under Free


Pre-sales recommended.

 Tickets may be purchased at the door while supplies last!

We welcome all of our school families and relatives as well as all community members and our alumni.

We’re looking forward to your visit!

Joan Johnson
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Office Administrator

’til next time
Be Prepared to Survive
the SurvivalGuy

Christmas Tree Tax

I just read an article where the Obama administration has added a new tax to the list…..

If you are planning to buy a fresh Christmas tree, you may be paying a little more.  They have instituted a $0.15 fee on all sales of fresh trees, for sellers that sell more than 500 trees a year.


This is being done to help fund a campaign to improve the image and help in marketing of Christmas trees.  This makes complete sense in regards to the Obama administration.  This is going to hurt American businesses and will probably boost the sales of artificial Christmas trees.  Guess where most of them are made…. that’s right oversees.  So not only will they hurt American businesses but they will be helping oversees business.

About the only effective thing I think we can do is to support our local small businesses.

-the SurvivalGuy