Category Archives: Skills

Wilderness Survival Workshop

Join us for a fun time of learning the basics of Wilderness Survival. This hands-on workshop will teach you basic skills and knowledge necessary to stay alive in the outdoors with a minimum of gear.

Topics to be covered are:

  • Psychology of survival – don’t panic
  • Shelter Basics
  • Basic fire making (no lighters or matches)
  • Food – finding food in the wild
  • Water – procuring water, purifying water and unusual water sources
  • Signaling – demonstrations on various ways to signal rescue including signal mirrors, signal fires, contrast and natural materials
  • Navigation – group hike on the trails with demos / discussions
  • Survival “kits”

Location: Godfrey’s Pond (meet up at the clubhouse) (Directions)

Date: Saturday, June 30th, 2012 Workshop: 10:00am to 4:00pm

Workshop Fee: $40.00 per person. Pre-registration preferred.
Registration is due by Friday, 6/29 but we will take walk-ins on Saturday provided there is room in the workshop.

Participants should bring: water/fluids, snack and /or bag lunch, comfortable outdoor clothing and hiking shoes, sun screen, insect repellent and rain gear. Also, bring your own emergency fire starter (no lighters or matches). If you do not have one, we will have a few available for sale at a discounted price. (not required, but recommended)

Minimum age is 12 years. But participants 14 or younger should be accompanied by parent or guardian. If you have questions or need more info, contact us in advance.

 Contact us to Register



I love our new dehydrator Nesco American Harvest FD-1018P 1000 Watt Food Dehydrator Kit.Since we received it we made 2 batches of beef jerky and currently have our second batch of fruit leather drying.

We decided on this model for a few reasons:

  • Made in the USA
  • 8 trays
  • 8 fruit leather trays
  • 8 sticky/small food screens
  • Price
These are only some of the reasons we went with this model, these are just some of the highlights.
This is a special edition model, it comes with 8 trays and screens.  The standard model Nesco Gardenmaster FD-1010 only has 4 trays and costs almost as much as the FD-1018P, so it was pretty much a no-brainer.   I considered the next model up Nesco GARDENMASTER FD-1020, but this unit doesn’t have the potential capacity.  I would however recommend getting a timer, my second batch of jerky was a bit over dried since I had to leave it running overnight.

Now an electric dehydrator isn’t ideal for a post apocalyptic world but, won’t be a total loss.  If you have one and have experience using it you will have the knowledge to dehydrate and what to dehydrate.  You can use the trays for other dehydrating methods.  You can ask the Prepwife, I don’t make purchases very lightly, I spent a good amount of time researching the pros and cons of this unit before deciding on this particular dehydrator: Nesco American Harvest FD-1018P 1000 Watt Food Dehydrator Kit.  I could keep writing on this topic for a while.  I am going to wrap it up for now. We will revisit this topic multiple times.  It is an important one for preparedness…

the Survivalguy