Kids and Accountability

Accountability; this is a topic you will probably see here more than once. I was walking into the local public school the other day and just inside by the entrance was a large plastic tub labeled lost and found. This tub was overflowing with coats and hats, etc. There was a woman that walked in just in front of me that made a comment “…how can you lose a coat and not know it.” My response was “if they aren’t held accountable, they don’t care.” She agreed as she walked into the room she was headed to.

This is a major problem with society today. People don’t think twice about shelling out money to buy replacements for things they bought not that long ago. What is even worse is the continual upgrading. We all know people that have to have the latest and greatest all the time. This is something that is a bit of a pet peeve for me. I am quite content with using something as long as it is feasible. I am also a firm believer in the 3 R’s, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  Some things, yes it is inevitable, but something like a coat that has nothing wrong with it, that is just ridiculous. The way things are headed with the economy both in the US and globally, when our children and grandchildren are grown they won’t be that far removed from bread lines of the past.

It is a sad affair that our government encourages this behavior.  There are entitlement programs for just about anything.  These welfare programs are not necessarily a bad thing.  They do however need to be revamped.  We need to make the receivers of these services accountable.  One of my primary gripes would probably be to institute mandatory drug testing.  This would be before receiving and throughout the process.  As long as someone is receiving government services or benefits they need to be tested.

OK, I think I will end my rant for now.

-the SurvivalGuy

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