One thing that is overlooked way to often is OPSEC in everyday life. Some people out there are quite good at it and others are oblivious (the majority of the sheeple). Now is a perfect time to discuss OPSEC not

necessarily with respect to a disaster, but with respect to thieves. I know this isn’t a pleasant topic to think about with Christmas being only a few days ago. This however is one of the most overlooked times, when
it comes to OPSEC. The week after Christmas is one of, if not the most opportune times for thieves to scope out neighborhoods.
The garbage day after Christmas has probably one of the highest amounts of trash put to the road. So this in turn is a burglars paradise. They can simply drive around and take notes of the new ‘toys’ people received over the holiday. Don’t get me wrong, just because you get some new stuff doesn’t make you a target for thieves.
If you think about it though, putting boxes from things like computers, TV’s, tablets, etc. out for the weekly garbage is like putting out a shopping list for thieves.
Most people wouldn’t even think twice about putting out the boxes without cutting them up or even better yet reusing them for something else.
So what to do? Well the first thing that comes to mind would be, make sure you are spending your money on things that fit into your survival and preparedness goals. Now beyond that reuse the boxes for other things. You could use the cardboard for

insulating where you have your supplies stored. Cut-up the boxes so they are can fit in a recycling bin or garbage can if your area doesn’t recycle. Depending on what you have you could possibly burn it in your wood stove. And worst come to worst, you could take a trip to your local waste processing facility, this isn’t the best option, but is an option if you chose this. Just remember to use good OPSEC when moving these items.
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